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大作文:With major cities continue growing, are there any problems to young people? How to solve these problems?



Task 1:流程图(2007年2月A类旧题)



1.Organic 有机的,器官的,组织的

2.Pile up 堆积,积累

3.Shred 撕碎,切碎

4.Pour 灌注,倾泻,涌入

5.Continuously 连续地,持续地

6.Fermentation 发酵

7.Convert 使转变,转换


1. to begin with

2. first of all / firstly

3. secondly

4. then

5. next

6. after that

7. finally

8. in addition

9. furthermore

10. meanwhile

11. at the same time

Task 2社会发展类话题(2014年9月6日旧题)









Alarmingly, it is far from easy for collegegraduates to secure ideal jobs and countless college job candidates feelfrustrated when seeking for a reasonable career. The crisis of the youthemployment has been exerting a baneful influence on those gifted collegeleavers and the harmony of the community. This essay aims to explore thepossible reasons of youth unemployment and then present my personalrecommendations.


1. Alarmingly, it is far fromeasy for sb to dosth 令人担忧的是,某人做……很难

2. get a reasonablecareer 找到理想的工作

3. …… has been exertinga baneful influence on …… and the harmonyof the community…… 一直对于……和社会的和谐造成不良影响

4. gifted college leavers 有才化的大学毕业生

5. This essay aimsto explore the possible reasonsof …… and then present mypersonal recommendations. 本文将会探究下…… 的原因,再提出个人的建议。


Virtually, a number of factors explain the hardshipof college graduates’ employment. First, the pressure of youth unemploymentcould be owed to the fact that the supply of college graduates far outweighsthe demand of the society. Specifically, countless university job-seekers arecompeting for limited positions. Further, some enterprises suffering fromeconomic downturn are reducing staff and cutting down the plans of recruitingnew employees. Meanwhile, the demand of some corporations for job candidates growscontinuously, eye-dazzling academic qualification or rich working experiencecould all serve as excellent examples. Eventually, the incompetence of somecollege job-hunters and improper career concepts account for the truth thatjobs are challenging to get.


1. 大学生求职者供过于求,很多的大学生求职者在竞争有限的工作岗位。

2. 一些经济低迷的企业在裁员,减少员工招募,同时,企业对于年轻求职者的要求不断提高,例如要求高学历以及丰富的工作经验。

3. 一些年轻人本身能力不强,心态不健康解释了为何工作难寻。


1. virtually, anumber of factors explain …… 实际上,很多原因解释 ……

2. first, …… couldbe owed to the fact that …… ,第一, …… 可以被归结为……

3. someenterprises suffering from economic downturn 一些遭遇经济低迷的企业

4. reduce staff 裁员

5. cut down theplans of recruiting new employees 减少了招募新员工的计划

6. the demand of…… grows continuously …… 的要求不断增加

7. eye-dazzlingacademic qualification 惹眼的学历

8. rich workingexperience 丰富的工作经验

9. …… could allserve as excellent examples …… 可以被当做是完美的例证

10. …… account forthe truth that …… …… 解释了……的事实

Body 2:

Considering theseverity of youth unemployment it is time that we adopted some effectivemeasures. First, it is imperative for the government to enact relevantlegislations to balance the supply and the demand of the college students.Meanwhile, the government is urged to provide college leavers with preferentialpolicies so that those ambitious college job-hunters could carve out their owncareers. Further, efforts should be made by relevant enterprises, they shouldcreate more on-the-job training chances for youngsters and properly lowercriteria in selecting college job-seekers. Ultimately, undergraduates ought tostudy even harder and adjust their mentality in terms of career choice. Moreprecisely, every college student should excel academically and strive from thebottom of the society.


1. 政府立法,平衡大学生的供求,政府给有梦想创业的年轻人提供优惠的政策。

2. 企业应该给年轻人提供在职工作培训的机会,同时,企业应该降低对于大学生求职者的要求。

3. 大学生应该个人努力,精通专业知识,调整就业心态,从底层奋斗。


1. Considering theseverity of …… it is high time that we adopted some effective measures 考虑……的严重性,是我们采取有效措施来解决问题的时候了。

2. it isimperative for the government to enact relevant legislations to …… 政府颁布相关立法去……是势在必行的。

3. the governmentis urged to provide college leavers with preferential policies 政府应该给大学毕业生提供优惠的政策。

4. carve out theirown careers 自我创业

5. efforts shouldbe made by …… 努力应该有……做出

6. create moreon-the-job training chances 创造更多的在职培训的机会

7. properly lowercriteria in …… 在……方面降低标准

8. study evenharder 努力学习

9. adjust theirmentality in terms of career choice 调整择业心态

10. excel academically and strive from the bottom ofthe society 精通专业知识以及从社会底层奋斗


In a nutshell, it is no easy task to help everyyoung job-hunter to secure an ideal job. Concerted efforts should be made bythe government, the relevant companies and every college job-seeker. Only inthis way can crisis of youth unemployment be tackled properly.



1. in a nutshell,it is no easy task to …… 总之,做 …… 绝非易事

2. secure an idealjob 找到理想的工作

3. concertedefforts should be made by …… , …… , and …… 三方应该共同努力去 ……

4. only in this way can …… be tackled properly只有以这样的方式,…… 才能被恰当解决








P1Timekeeper:Invention of MarineChronometer 航海计时器 (重复20160730)

P2 Desert Formation沙漠的形成(重复20150829)

P3 睡眠研究

1. 本次考试难度较低。

2. 整体分析:涉及科技发明类(P1)自然科学(P2)和科学研究(P3)

3. 主要题型:本次11月底的雅思阅读考试中Matching题共出现三次,较均衡地分布于三篇文章中且都是作为首题出现,依次为P1中的段落细节配对(7道),P2中段落信息配对(7道)及P3中人名信息配对(6道),总计共20道,占据总题量的50%,延续了近期Matching题大比重出现的趋势。此外Summary填空,依然是雅思阅读考察的主流题型,共出现13道,分布P1(6道)和P3(7道),而判断题题量在本次考试中为P2中6道,重要性相较11月11日场次有所增加。除以上重点题型外,本场考试也出现了极少量选择。

P1Timekeeper:Invention of Marine Chronometer 航海计时器

段落细节配对7 +填空6


段落细节配对 1-7

1. E

2. A

3. F

4. I

5. B

6. D

7. H

填空 8-13

8. home

9. 2.8 seconds

10. oil

11. sextant

12. sun

13. Marinechronometer


配对题Matching 7 + 判断T/F/NG 6

参考答案: 原文及答案待补充

段落信息配对 14-20

判断 21-26

P3 睡眠研究

Matching配对 6 +填空 7 +单选 1

参考答案: 原文及答案待补充


Passage1 Timekeeper:Invention of Marine Chronometer

A It was, as Dava Sobel has described aphenomenon: ‘the greatest scientific problem of the age’. The reality was thatin the 18th century no one had ever made a clock that could suffer the greatrolling and pitching of a ship and the large changes in temperature whilststill keeping time accurately enough to be of any use. Indeed, most of thescientific community thought such clock impossibility. Knowing one’s positionon the earth requires two very simple but essential coordinates; rather likeusing a street map where one thinks in terms of how far one is up/down and howfar side to side.

B The longitude is a measure of how fararound the world one has come from home and has no naturally occurring baseline like the equator. The crew of a given ship was naturally only concernedwith how far round they were from their own particular home base. Even when inthe middle of the ocean, with no land in sight, knowing this longitude positionis very simple in theory. The key to knowing how far around the world you arefrom home is to know, at that very moment, what time it is back home. Acomparison with your local time (easily found by checking the position of theSun) will then tell you the time difference between you and home, and thus howfar round the Earth you are from home.

C Up until the middle of the 18th century,navigators had been unable to determine their position at sea with accuracy andthey faced the huge attendant risks of shipwreck or running out of suppliesbefore reaching their destination. The angular position of Moon and otherbright stars was recorded in three hour intervals of Greenwich Time. In orderto determine longitude, sailors had to measure the angle between Moon centerand a given star—lunar distance—together with height of both planets using thenaval sextant. The sailors also had to calculate the Moon’s position if seenform the center of Earth. Time corresponding to Greenwich Time was determinedusing the natitical almanac. Then the difference between the obtained time andlocal time served for calculation in longitude from Greenwich. The great flawin this ‘simple’ theory was-how does the sailor know time back home when he isin the middle of an ocean?

D The obvious and again simple answer isthat he takes an accurate clock with him, which he sets to home time beforeleaving. All he has to do is keep it wound up and running, and he must neverreset the hands throughout the voyage This clock then provides ‘home time’, soif, for example, it is midday on board your ship and your ‘home time’ clocksays that at that same moment it is midnight at home, you know immediatelythere is a twelve-hour time difference and you must be exactly round the otherside of the world, 180 degrees of longitude from home.

E After 1714 when the British governmentoffered the huge sum of £20,000 for a solution to the problem, with the prize to beadministered by the splendidly titled Board of Longitude. The Government prizeof £20,000 wasthe highest of three sums on offer for varying degrees of accuracy, the fullprize only payable for a method that could find the longitude at sea withinhalf a degree. If the solution was to be by timekeeper (and there were othermethods since the prize was offered for any solution to the problem), then thetimekeeping required to achieve this goal would have to be within 2.8 seconds aday, a performance considered impossible for any clock at sea and unthinkablefor a watch,even underthe very best conditions.

F It was this prize, worth about £2 million today, which inspired theself-taught Yorkshire carpenter, John Harrison, to attempt a design for apractical marine clock.

H After several attempts to design abetterment of H1, Harrison believed that the solution to the longitude problemlay in an entirely different design. H4 is completely different from the otherthree timekeepers. It looks like a very large pocket watch. Harrison’s sonWilliam set sail for the West Indies, with H4, aboard the ship Deptford on 18November 1761. It was a remarkable achievement but it would be some time beforethe Board of Longitude was sufficiently satisfied to award Harrison the prize.

I John Hadley, an English mathematician,developed sextant, who was a competitor of Harrison at that time for the luringprize. A sextant is an instrument used for measuring angles, for examplebetween the sun and the horizon, so that the position of a ship or aeroplanecan be calculated. Making this measurement is known as sighting the object,shooting the object, or taking a sight and it is an essential part of celestialnavigation. The angle, and the time when it was measured, can be used tocalculate a position line on a nautical or aeronautical chart. A sextant canalso be used to measure the Lunar distance between the moon and anothercelestial object (e.g., star, planet) in order to determine Greenwich timewhich is important because it can then be used to determine the longitude.

J The majority withinthis next generation of chronometer pioneers were English, but the story is byno means wholly that of English achievement. One French name, Pierre Le Roy ofParis, stands out as a major presence in the early history of the chronometer.Another great name in the story is that of the Lancastrian, Thomas Earnshaw, aslightly younger contemporary of John Arnold’s. It was Earnshaw who created thefinal form of chronometer escapement, the spring detent escapement, andfinalized the format and the production system for the marine chronometer,making it truly an article of commerce, and a practical means of safernavigation at sea over the next century and half.


1. 本场考试总体来看难度属于偏简单,文章选材主要涉及科学类话题,包括科技发明成果,自然科学类和科学研究调查。

2. 此次11月底的考试中,雅思阅读仍旧延续了年底考次中旧题高频重现的整体趋势,前两篇阅读文章P1和P2皆为以往考察过的旧题且所属年份也较近,为近两年15及16考题。考生可依据此特点借助阅读机经回顾练习以往经典旧题来复习巩固对应阅读解题技巧,并注意积累相关的重点高频词汇和分析文章长难句式帮助理解。

3. 从题型方面看,本次雅思阅读考试中共出现三次Matching配对题且以每篇7题左右的题量较为平均地分布在各篇文章中,而总计20道的配对题在40题的总题量中毫无疑问占据半壁江山。结合近期考试情况来看,配对题的重要性在不断提升并显示出日益超过传统主流的填空和判断题型。因此,近期参加考试的考生们应该有一定的心理预期并且高度重视此类题型训练,确保熟悉度不至于考试时白白失分。同时注意解题时的思路技巧,多加分析和总结。

4. 下场考试的话题可能有关科技和社会文化类话题。





S1 / 保险/S2植树大会利弊 / S3 课程讨论/S4 IT科技对教育的帮助


S1填空/ S2填空+多选/S3 单选+配对/ S4 填空


易错词:本场考试填空题S1,S2及S4当中出现。填空题答案(仅供参考)如下:S1:1. Deighton;2. 01295477039;3. 3 bed rooms;4. 40; 5. stone; 6. garage; 7. alarm; 8. office; 9. freezer; 10. 1stApril. S2:11. 20;12. shade; 13.noise; 14. stress; 15flooding; 16.rural; 17.climate S4:36.31.email;32.relationship; 33. methods; 34. communication; 35.confidence; 36. flexible; 37.materials;38. problems; 39.time; 40. income 本次考试填空题的词汇拼写难度不大,都可以在剑桥套题或是听力场景高频词汇中发现.易错词如:flexible,garage,materials 等。填空方面要尤其注意单词格式、拼写以及单复数、时态和大小写问题,不确定的可以自己结合篇章内容判断。

参考剑桥练习:剑8 Test2Section1,剑8 Test1 Section2,剑10 Test3Section3,剑11Test2Section4



1. 场景方面:场景方面依旧是主流场景(咨询、活动、学术课程询问、化石保护学术报告),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在S1咨询,租房,面试,S2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,S3课程讨论、导师辅导、课程咨询等。S4. 地理、动物、历史等各类学术讲座。


3. 机经:如需参考机经,以2011-2014年机经为主。







Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

Describe an interesting person from another country

Describe someonewho is a good parent

Describe a personwho helped you in study or work

Describe abusinessman you admire

Describe a personwho knows a lot


Describe an interesting place in your country that notmany people know

Describe a leisure facility

Describe a place in your city where people go tolisten to music

Describe a park orgarden you visited when you were a child

Describe an idealhome that you’d like to live in

Describe a crowdedplace you visited

Describe a city ora small town you’ve been to

Describe a bigcompany or organization which employs a lot of people


Describe an exciting book you enjoyed reading recently

Describe an important invention that has changed ourlife

Describe your favorite piece of clothes

Describe a productyou bought recently that made you happy

Describe a pieceof furniture you like in your home

Describe atraditional product in your country that you like

Describe animportant letter

Describe a kind ofplant or flower in your country

Describe a pieceof art


Describe an achievement that you are proud of

Describe a sport you enjoyed watching

Describe an occasion when you helped a person

Describe an English lesson you enjoyed

Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

Describe a science subject in secondary school or highschool that you liked

Describe an important change in your life

Describe a time you were pleased with your mobilephone

Describe something you’ve wanted to do for a longtime, but haven’t done yet

Describe a longcar journey you went on

Describe a rule atyour school that you agree or disagree

Describe a good decisionmade by someone you know

Describe a timeyou taught a new skill to someone you know

Describe a timewhen you moved to a new school or home

Describe a timewhen a person made a clever decision to a problem

Describe a time thatyou had to arrive early at a place

Describe aninteresting conversation you had with a stranger


Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy watching

Describe a websiteyou like to visit

Describe a pieceof good news you heard from others

Describe an advertisementthat made you buy something


Part 1:

Part1一些反复强调过的必考题一定要在考前做到熟记于心,例如study or work,不仅要求流利,更可以给自己设计几个高级的句型,在语法这一项让考官刮目相看。除此之外,本季度增加的部分新题像boat,rainy days,还是需要储备相关的单词,例如如果曾经坐船在河上游玩,可以使用have a rivercruise on …这个短语。





- END -

来源 | 江苏朗阁外语培训中心







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